Sunday, June 20, 2021

Yes, I'm still alive

Just a quick update to let my legion of fans (all three or four of you) know that I'm still here. I haven't died or anything.

Motivation to write this stuff usually hits me only every few months. And frequently, that results in me adding a couple of pages to an existing story, while still not finishing it, so I don't share what I've done. For instance, I wrote about half of a new story roughly two months ago. But until it's done, I don't want to post it.

Anyway, the muse has struck again the past day or two, so hopefully I'll have time this week to actually follow through and write something. I have a couple of stories that are nearly complete, or at least nearly up to having a new chapter completed. So the plan is to focus on one or more of those, and try to have something to share here in the near future.

If anyone wants to comment and let me know which stories they're most interested in seeing me finish soon, that might influence my decision of what to work on first. Besides the stuff I mentioned in my previous blog posts here, the new story I started two months ago is based on Salamando's "Chastity Curse" world, so let me know if that holds any interest for any of you.