Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Aliens pretending to look human (unused story idea)

So I started this blog to get all of my past work in one place, posted everything very quickly, and then went silent for the past month and a half. I do plan on getting back to writing and posting more stuff... eventually. But my work is seasonal, and this time of year is busy for me, so I'm working too many hours and don't have much free time. So don't count on any significant updates until January, at least.

In the mean time, here's an insignificant update. 

Someone posted an idea on about aliens taking human form to fit in, and it reminded me of one of my story ideas. This isn't even on the list of story ideas I put in my poll, which tells you how many extra ideas I have floating around in my head. Here's what I posted there:


I had a similar idea, about aliens looking human just to make interaction with our species easier, but mine wasn't necessarily heroic. 

Basically, a space ship arrives on Earth, and the ship's computer contains the minds of the last members of an extinct alien race that were nothing like humanoids. The ship studies humanity by both direct observation, and by intercepting all of the various technological communication methods we broadcast in this day and age. But it takes months, or longer, to figure out our languages and understand any of it, since their species has no concept of written or verbal communication like ours. 

In the mean time, the people of Earth are freaking out about this huge spaceship orbiting the planet, probably sending smaller probes to land and observe different areas of the planet. Some humans probably do something violent out of fear, but it has no effect on their vastly superior alien technology.

Eventually, the aliens figure out the major concepts of verbal and written communication, and how to hack in to see the internet, so they have some basis to communicate with us. They create human-looking bodies for some of the alien minds to inhabit. But they decide that just cloning actual human bodies would be too frail, so their versions look human, but are far more powerful. 

I keep going back and forth on whether this alien race would be entirely evil and just conquer the Earth and treat humans as slaves and playthings, or whether there would be disagreement among the aliens, with some wanting to conquer humans while others fight to protect us. The differing personalities idea obviously provides far more possibilities for interesting real stories. But I've always been a fan of dominating ubergirls, so I'd consider going entirely evil if I was treating it entirely as fetish fiction. 

One thought I had is that maybe they were a peaceful and benevolent race originally, but some of their personality traits were lost in transition when their memories were stored in the computer. So now, some of them would see humans as just a scientific curiosity to be emotionlessly studied, regardless of what kind of harm that would cause the test subjects.


  1. What if they started as monolithic, emotionless, neither evil or good, Just interacting with humanity in some capacity because we're the first species they've come across with some level of civilization. Then the ones who take on human form for interacting evolve to have emotions, individual personalities and beliefs shaped by their experiences. First impressions are important, so how would someone who was attacked evolve vs someone who was welcomed, etc. How would they then interact with each other and the mothership.

  2. You actually just described the basic plot of an episode of the original Star Trek.

    A small group of aliens take human form and captures Kirk and the gang. But Kirk realizes that they seem to be developing human feelings, so they all prey on the human weaknesses to beat the aliens.

    Kirk seduces the alien hot chick, making the male alien leader jealous. Scotty gets another one of the aliens drunk. I don't remember the rest. Silly episode, but that's to expected from the original series.
