Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sex Mage Gets Bored on a Bus

Another video edit I made of a woman who can control a man’s sexual parts. This is what happens when a sex mage gets bored on the bus. May or may not be set in Salamando’s Sex Mage World (https://sexmagesandotherstrangeness.blogspot.com/ and https://sexmagesandcaptionstories.blogspot.com/).



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks.

      I actually had that video of the girls on the bus for a while, and wanted to find something to use with it. But I had a hard time find matching video for what she could be doing magically.

      When I finally got around to learning basic video editing, I decided to aggressively search for something that would work. Searching YouTube for guys with public boners found the boner prank video that I spliced in here. It's a good match with Salamando's Sex Mage World, or just think of her as a random witch of some sort.
