Monday, September 28, 2020

YAGS finally has his own site!

I'm YAGS. I've always liked powerful women, science fiction, and fantasy, and so I've been browsing various sci-fi/fantasy themed femdom sites for years. I've written a few stories over the last 15 years, which I've posted on relevant sites. But I've always wanted a web site of my own to put all of my stuff in one place. So here it is.

Over the next few days, I'll post my past stories that I've shared on the internet to this blog. Don't get too excited - there are only seven of them, and two of those are the same story that I rearranged, just to try something weird. I've also been toying with video editing and captioning lately, so I've got two short vids that I'll post here, too.

I may have some general blog posts explaining my thoughts and why I write what I do. General themes will include giantess, supergirls, mind control, telekinesis, sexual magic, and whatever else I come up with along the way. The only thing they'll all have in common is women who are inhumanly powerful in some way. Frankly, that's why I don't just post all my stories to any one web site on the internet - there is no other site where all of my various themes would all fit in.

I make no promises of posting with any regularity. But I've been feeling creatively motivated lately, so we'll see where my muse leads.

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